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ABOUT Healthcare Strengthens Position with Acquisition of AI Analytics Firm Edgility

The AI analytics platform Edgility was bought by the patient-management business ABOUT Healthcare, allowing it to provide patient progression solutions with both predictive and prescriptive analysis. ABOUT Healthcare, previously known as Central Logic, offers a product-care suite that enables it to transfer patients between acute care and home-based care settings. The AI system from Edgility provides real-time measurements that enable more effective patient placement and transportation in hospitals by projecting discharge goals.

Jonathan Shoemaker, CEO of ABOUT Healthcare, said, “Our acquisition of Edgility completes a powerful new end-to-end care orchestration solution that connects people, data, workflows, and systems to improve outcomes and enable better-coordinated care. Health systems can now derive deep situational awareness and decision support across the patient progression at the individual and system levels, removing friction points and natural delays, ultimately improving coordination at each step of the patient journey.”

EdgeAi, Edgility’s first AI solution, was released in May 2022. Levers of action for discharge, transfers, and home care settings are provided by EdgeAi machine learning predictions. The majority acquisition of ABOUT Healthcare happened in 2020, formerly known as Change Logic, by Rubicon Technology Partners. The company changed its name to more effectively represent its all-encompassing approach to patient care and to better position itself in the access.

ABOUT Healthcare’s third acquisition of Edgility since 2020. The Omaha-based Ensocare, which provided a platform to help with the inpatient referral process for post-acute care, was acquired by ABOUT, in November 2020. Acuity Link was bought by ABOUT in 2021.

The tracking and transport procedures were automated by the company. Health institutions might view a snapshot of available bed capacity and other healthcare resources with its Bed Visibility platform.